Contact & FAQs

In unserem FAQ bekommst du schnell und einfach Antworten auf all deine administrativen Fragen rund um Versand, Retoure und Nachhaltigkeit. Solltest du Fragen zur Produkt-Anwendung und Wirkstoffen haben, empfehlen wir dir unsere Hautberatung.

Our FAQs are organised into categories for your convenience. Simply click on the links to jump directly to the section that interests you:

How to use





How to use

Help Center

Visit our Help Center

If your questions weren't fully answered in our FAQ section, we invite you to explore our Help Center.

Here, you'll find a wealth of in-depth articles covering everything from detailed product information and skincare advice to our sustainability initiatives and beyond.

Visit Help Center

Contact us

Do you still have any other question?

If you haven't found the answers or information you were looking for in our FAQ or Help Center, we're here to help. Please don't hesitate to send us a message using the contact form below.

We are eager to read your inquiries and will respond to your doubts as quickly as possible.

Our customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.